musteresel's blog

CMake and a relative path to an installed linker script


tagged: cmake, c, c++

Scenario: A static library lib is to be installed. To link against this static library requires special link flags and a linker script script.ld.

For “GCC compatible” linkers the linker script is specified via the -T flag, followed by the path to the script. During build of the static library itself the linker script is within the project source directory; referencing that is no different than any other file. Assuming the linker script is put under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/script.ld when installed the straightforward solution looks like this:

# -T path/to/script.ld for build and install case
target_link_options(lib INTERFACE
  -T $<BUILD_INTERFACE:script.ld> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:share/script.ld>)

# actually install script.ld file
install(FILES script.ld DESTINATION share/)

# install liblib.a library, prepare export
install(TARGETS lib
  EXPORT lib-target
# install export (cmake files to be used by consumers of the lib)
install(EXPORT lib-target
  FILE libTargets.cmake

This works as expected; assuming an empty ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} it produces a /lib/liblib.a, a /share/script.ld and a /cmake/libTargets.cmake (and probably also a /cmake/libTargets-noconfig.cmake) when installing via make install.

If /cmake/ is part of the CMake module search path or if -Dlib_DIR=/cmake is specified then the library can be used in another CMake build using find_package(lib) and target_link_libraries(target lib::lib). The link flags will contain -T /share/script.ld and of course this path is valid, so everything is working fine.

This does not work together with a staging directory (DESTDIR), though!

E.g. for the library make install DESTDIR=/stage is called (perhaps because the library shall not actually be installed). Now using the “almost installed” library in /stage from another CMake build (e.g. -Dlib_DIR=/stage/cmake) works fine (the liblib.a is found as would any installed public headers) except for the linker script. Its path is hard wired to /share/script.ld after installing (even if only “almost”). The script is in /stage/share/script.ld, though.

To fix this the best is to look at what happens with the path to liblib.a, because somehow CMake can find it even in the “almost installed” /stage directory:

/stage/cmake/libTargets.cmake includes (relative to itself) libTargets-noconfig.cmake. That later file contains code similar to:

set_target_properties(lib::lib PROPERTIES

What’s ${_IMPORT_PREFIX}? It’s a variable computed in /stage/cmake/libTargets.cmake:

# Compute the installation prefix relative to this file.
get_filename_component(_IMPORT_PREFIX "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
# Use original install prefix when loaded through a
# cross-prefix symbolic link such as /lib -> /usr/lib.
get_filename_component(_realCurr "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}" REALPATH)
get_filename_component(_realOrig "/cmake" REALPATH)
if(_realCurr STREQUAL _realOrig)
  set(_IMPORT_PREFIX "/cmake")
get_filename_component(_IMPORT_PREFIX "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}" PATH)
# (HERE, read about it below)
  set(_IMPORT_PREFIX "")

This basically walks up from the location of libTargets.cmake to where ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} would be. In this case, since libTargets.cmake is to be installed in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/cmake/ it goes up just one level (at the HERE comment), but if it had been put e.g. to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/share/cmake/ then there would be 3 get_filename_component calls instead of just one.

That way, at “use time” (e.g. during the find_package(lib) call) CMake uses /stage/cmake/libTargets.cmake to compute an ${_IMPORT_PREFIX} of /stage which allows it to use ${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/liblib.a to refer to /stage/lib/liblib.a - the correct path to the static library. The important point is that this happens not as part of the configure / build / install process of the library, but rather during the configuration of another CMake build (which uses find_package(lib)).

Fixing the issue with the path to the linker script can be done in (at least) two ways now:

CMake already computes the very helpful _IMPORT_PREFIX variable. In order to get “access” to it code needs to be either in libTargets.cmake or in any file included from that file. Modifying the generated file libTargets.cmake is not a good idea, but thankfully libTargets.cmake contains code to include files libTargets-*.cmake (like libTargets-noconfig.cmake):

# Load information for each installed configuration.
get_filename_component(_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
file(GLOB CONFIG_FILES "${_DIR}/libTargets-*.cmake")
foreach(f ${CONFIG_FILES})

A custom libTargets-script.cmake file installed to cmake/ has therefore access to _IMPORT_PREFIX and can use it to set link options appropriately:

# contents of libTargets-script.cmake
# note use of namespaced target name!
  -T ${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/share/script.ld)

Whether this is “supported” (it works, but will it in the future?) by CMake? I don’t know.

A thus possibly more robust (but also more verbose) approach is to recreate what CMake does with the _IMPORT_PREFIX variable in a (self-written) libConfig.cmake, to be installed to cmake/:

# contents of
get_filename_component(MYDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)

if (NOT TARGET lib::lib)
endif ()

# Compute the installation prefix relative to this file, like 
# CMake does in libTargets.cmake .. this needs to be kept in sync and
# needs to be adjusted e.g. if the (installed) path to this file changes
get_filename_component(_IMPORT_PREFIX "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
get_filename_component(_realCurr "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}" REALPATH)
get_filename_component(_realOrig "@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/cmake" REALPATH)
if(_realCurr STREQUAL _realOrig)
get_filename_component(_IMPORT_PREFIX "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}" PATH)
  set(_IMPORT_PREFIX "")

# note use of namespaced target name!
  -T ${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/share/script.ld)

The above file is, which needs to undergo substitution of @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@ via configure_file() with @ONLY before installing.

With either of these approaches it is possible to install a linker script and use it from other builds, even if the installation was only to a staging directory. And of course the staging directory can be moved around freely … e.g mv /stage /somewhere/else doesn’t break the build.

Finally, this works for every path, e.g. also paths to data files.